Adult Ministries

Weekly At EVNaz For Adults

Young Adult Small Group

2nd & 4th Sundays of the month after the 10:30 am worship service: Young Adult Lunch & Small Group - At various host homes.
Contact Angelina Buck or the church office (480-986-1587 x 110 or to learn more.

Women's Bible Study

Thursdays at 6:30 pm in the Coffee House (located just north of the sanctuary). This group meets for a few weeks at a time and takes a short break between studies. For details, please contact  Marie Scoville or Cammy Yakel (Discipleship President) at 480-986-1587 x 114.

Hour of Blessing for  55 +

Wednesdays at 2 pm:
Wednesdays at 2 pm in the room next to the Coffee House (located in the building just north of the sanctuary). Hour of Blessing is led by Chaplain David and PJ Vernon. For more information contact David or PJ Vernon or Cammy Yakel (Discipleship President) at 480-986-1587 x 114.

Men's Bible Study

First and third Thursdays of each month at 6:45 pm. Contact David Cheek or Cammy Yakel (Discipleship President) at 480-986-1587 x 114  to find out more.

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